

Ernvisual – AI Video Generator is an APP developed by ERNBRANDS YAZILIM A.Ş. to used for based on AI text to Video Creating. All the rights reserved by ERNBRANDS YAZILIM A.Ş. (www.ernbrands.com.tr)

This Privacy Policy describes how Ernvisual – AI Video Generator (together with its affiliated companies – “ERNBRANDS YAZILIM A.Ş.”, “ernbrands.com.tr”, “our” or “us”) collects, stores, uses and discloses the following categories of personal data:

Customer Data: personal data that we collect, process and manage on behalf of our business customers (“Customers”), submitted to the Brookerlab  services, including our platforms, products, applications, application programming interface (“API”), tools, and any ancillary or supplementary Ernbrands Yazılım A.Ş. products and services (including Upgrades (as defined in the Terms of Service)), offered online and via a mobile application (collectively, “Platform”).

User Data: personal data concerning our Customers’ internal focal persons who directly engage with Ernvisual – AI Video Generator concerning their Ernvisual – AI Video Generator account (e.g. billing contacts and authorized signatories), Customers’ Account Admins, and authorized users of the Platform (collectively, “Users”);

Prospect Data: data relating to visitors of our websites (including but not limited to brookerlab.com), participants at events, and any other prospective customer, user or partner (collectively, “Prospects”) who visit or otherwise interact with our programs, marketing and social activities and our websites, digital ads and content, emails, integrations or communications under our control (“Sites & App”).

You are not legally required to provide us with any of your personal data, and may do so (or avoid doing so) at your own free will. If you do not wish to provide us with your personal data, or to have it processed by us or any of our services providers, please simply do not visit or interact with our Sites, nor use our Services.

You may also choose not to provide us with “optional” personal data (i.e. “not required” fields on forms), but please keep in mind that without it we may not be able to provide you with the full range of our Services or with the best user experience when using our Services.

Data Collection & Processing

When we use the term “personal data” in this Privacy Policy, we mean information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, to an individual. It does not include aggregated or anonymized information that is maintained in a form that is not reasonably capable of being associated with or linked to an individual.

We collect or generate the following categories of personal data in relation to the Services:

Usage and device information concerning our Users, Prospects and Technology Partners:

Connectivity, technical and usage data, such as IP addresses and approximate general locations derived from such IP addresses, device and application data (like type, operating system, mobile device or app id, browser version, location and language settings used), activity logs, the relevant cookies and pixels installed or utilized on your device, and the recorded activity (sessions, clicks, use of features, logged activities and other interactions) of Prospects, Users and Technology Partners in connection with our Services.
We collect and generate this information automatically, including through the use of analytics tools (including cookies and pixels) – which collect data such as: how often Prospects or Technology Partners visit or use the Sites, which pages they visit and when, which website, ad or email message brought them there, and how Users interact with and use the Platform and its various features.

Data Uses & Legal Bases

We use personal data as necessary for the performance of our Services (“Performance of Contract”); to comply with our legal and contractual obligations (“Legal Obligations”); and to support our legitimate interests in maintaining and improving our Services, e.g. in understanding how our Services are used and how our campaigns are performing, and gaining insights which help us dedicate our resources and efforts more efficiently; in marketing, advertising and selling our Services to you and others; providing customer services and technical support; and protecting and securing our Users, Customers, Prospects and Technology Partners, ourselves and our Services (“Legitimate Interests”).

If you reside or are using the Services in a territory governed by privacy laws under which “consent” is the only or most appropriate legal basis for processing personal data as described in this Privacy Policy (either in general, based on the types of personal data you expect or elect to process or have processed by us or via the Services, or due to the nature of such processing) (“Consent”), your acceptance of our Terms and of this Privacy Policy will be deemed as your consent to the processing of your personal data for all purposes detailed in this Privacy Policy, unless applicable law requires a different form of consent. If you wish to revoke such consent, please contact us at brookerlab.com/privacypolicy.

Data Disclosure

We may disclose personal data in the following instances:

Service Providers:

We engage selected third-party companies and individuals as “Service Providers”, to perform services on our behalf or complementary to our own. These include providers of Third Party Services (as defined in the Terms), such as: hosting and server co-location services, communications and content delivery networks (CDNs), data and cyber security services, billing and payment processing services, fraud detection, investigation and prevention services, web and mobile analytics, email and communication distribution and monitoring services, session or activity recording services, call recording, analytics and transcription services, event production and hosting services, remote access services, performance measurement, data optimization and marketing services, social and advertising networks, content, lead generating and data enrichment providers, email, voicemails, video conferencing solutions, support and customer relation management systems, third-party customer support providers, and our legal, compliance and financial advisors and auditors.

Our Service Providers may have access to personal data, depending on each of their specific roles and purposes in facilitating and enhancing our Services or other activities, and may only use the data as determined in our agreements with them.

Legal Compliance:

In exceptional circumstances, we may disclose or allow government and law enforcement officials access to your personal data, in response to a subpoena, search warrant or court order (or similar requirement), or in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Such disclosure or access may occur if we believe in good faith that: (a) we are legally compelled to do so; (b) disclosure is appropriate in connection with efforts to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding actual or suspected illegal activity, fraud, or other wrongdoing; or (c) such disclosure is required to protect the security or integrity of our products and Services.

Protecting Rights and Safety:

We may disclose your personal data to others if we believe in good faith that this will help protect the rights, property or safety of Ernvisual – AI Video Generator, any of our Users or Customers, or any members of the general public.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Our APP and Services (including some of our Services Providers) utilize “cookies”, anonymous identifiers, pixels, container tags and other technologies in order for us to provide and monitor our Services and Sites, to ensure that they perform properly, to analyze our performance and marketing activities, and to personalize your experience. Such cookies and similar files or tags may also be temporarily placed on your device. Certain cookies and other technologies serve to recall personal data, such as an IP address, as indicated by a Prospect, User or Technology Partner. To learn more about our practices concerning cookies and tracking, please see our Cookie Policy. You may also use the “Cookie settings” feature available in our Services depending on your location and activity on our Services, as applicable.

Please note that we do not change our practices in response to a “Do Not Track” signal in the HTTP header from a browser or mobile application, however, most browsers allow you to control cookies, including whether or not to accept them and how to remove them. You may set most browsers to notify you if you receive a cookie, or to block or remove cookies altogether.


WARNING! There is NO FREE Trial Available! You can fill token to create video via APP. Once you hav no balance , you might need to refill up to use for new designs.

Ernbrands Yazılım A.Ş.
Tax ID: 3640595498
T: +(90)212-800-12-45
W: www.ernbrands.com.tr
M: app@ernbrands.com.tr
A:Defne 04-14 Bahçeşehir/Başakşehir
İstanbul Türkiye